Coleman learned how to roll over exactly on his 4 month birthday! We were shocked... and very scared for what this kid may have in store for us. I have no good pictures of him actually rolling, but this was taken immediately post roll:
He started crawling very soon after. He had the funniest crawl. Most babies I have seen seem to start with a "GI Joe" type of crawl... you know, where they stay on their bellies and use their arms to get around. Well, Cole's was more like an inchworm.
Here's how it went: up onto hands and knees...
straighten legs to push upper body forward...
Drop!! So funny... and quite effective!
Cole also discovered the piano. He loves to listen to Max practice and loves it even more when he lets him sit up on his lap to play along.
Favorite discovery at 5 months? Definitely the dog. He has always loved to look at her, but now he can try to chase her, pet her, climb on her... you name it. These 2 are becoming fast friends!
Max wrote a story for school about a little dog and the baby who loved her. He used Roxy and Cole for his phootgraphs. It turned out so cute and now we have it to treasure forever. Even now (4 months later) we look through the book with Cole and he loves it. Any way, while taking the pictures we got a few really cute ones with Cole and Roxy together... here are 2 of my favorites: Cole loves to let Roxy lick his hands.
And this little gem is definitely a keeper!
It was actually my screen saver for a while!!
Doesn't that just make you want to go brush your teeth?!?
Oh, puppy kisses... Looks like Coleman didn't enjoy it too well. ;)
Dang he's cute!!
My brain just exploded a little from the cuteness! I love kids and animals!
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