
We LOVE the Browns!

Chris and I have known Derek and Emilie Brown since before we were married. Chris actually met them while they were all in Young Ambassadors at BYU together. They got married right before Chris and I started dating and so we double dated a lot during our dating/engagement/newlywed time. We even traveled together and Derek played piano for our wedding reception (he's amazing). It has been fun to stay in contact throughout the years as we have all moved around the country... sending Christmas cards, emails, and even getting together when we all happened to be in the same city. Well, we've all been back in Utah for almost 3 years now and Chris is even working for the company that Emilie started with her sister Rachel (see link to the right for Signing Time). It has been so fun to hang out with each other again and for our kids to become friends.

Anyway, Derek and Emilie were staying at the Snowbird Resort and invited us to come spend some time with them. So, yesterday we took the day to relax! The kids swam (even though it was way colder than we thought it would be... there was still a lot of snow on the ground), then we went to dinner and watched a movie. We definitely need to do more together. Thanks so much for inviting us... we had a blast !
Zack and Abby... they are about 10 moths apart and love to play together. They both make up the wildest games!
Alex and Max... these two are totally cut from the same cloth. They have the same interests and get along so well. They are about 6 months apart and first played together as babies. Every time they get together they just pick up where they left off.
All the kids... Abby, Zack, Afton, Alex, and Max. Afton actually looks more like one of their kids then ours with those blue eyes and light hair. She was so funny... all day she was so obsessed with Alex because he's THE Alex from "Signing Time." She would follow him around and sit on his lap and kept calling him "Alex and Leah" like it is in the song. It was funny because she has spent time with him before but this was the first time she was old enough to make the connection. 
The original four... I wish I had a picture of us all way back when I could post with this one (actually I do, but it's not digital and I don't really know how to work my scanner. Maybe I'll get Chris to show me how and add it later). It would be pretty funny.

1 comment:

Katie said...

So Miss Katie Higbee, funny story. My brother grew up with Derek Brown. I think he played the piano for my brother (as kids--my brother was an excellent violinist). It's interesting how life weaves in and out and makes the world a lot smaller! I love to read your fun posts.

--the other katie higbee