

While we were hanging out at the geography bee waiting for the results of the preliminary round there was this big window so I thought I would play with my camera. I wanted Abby to be my model and thought she would jump at the chance. She was not thrilled, but I did get this great shot. I can't believe how grown-up she is and how beautiful my little baby has become.
That was it, though... one shot and she was done. 
After that I got:
The pouty lip (Cassidy does this in almost every picture, in fact, most people that age do. Cassidy tells us this is to eliminate the double chin. I think I'd rather have a double chin than look like that in every picture!)
She also practiced her future facebook profile picture pose.
And here we have the: "Seriously, Mom. Don't take another picture!"

Oh well, at least I got the one.


Amy said...

The light is beautiful, her eyes really stand out.

Ashley Serena said...

She'd make a wonderful "expressions" model. :)

Anonymous said...

Mabel seems to think having her photo taken is worse than having teeth pulled, so I feel *your* pain. These are fun shots, though, and she's beautiful.